Statistics & Research about Lufkin,TX - Boyd Neelon Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Lufkin,TX an area served by Boyd Neelon Insurance Agency

1021 S Chestnut St # 3
Phone : (936) 414-0169

Real estate research for area nearby Boyd Neelon Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Redfield 31,900 519 19.5
Pollok 85,500 687 9.6
Redland 49,000 893 21.9
Hudson 90,300 707 9.4
Lufkin 86,500 743 10.3
Nacogdoches 102,400 690 8.1
Kennard 46,100 689 17.9
Alto 74,100 627 10.2
Wells 58,400 481 9.9
Nacogdoches County 96,600 679 8.4

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Boyd Neelon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Pollok 176
Hudson 49
Lufkin 1878
Nacogdoches 2523
Kennard 9
Alto 222
Wells 82
Nacogdoches County 2829
Appleby 1
Angelina County 2612
Kennard-Ratcliff 38
Burke 12
Chireno-Martinsville 169

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Boyd Neelon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Pollok 157100
Hudson 161800
Lufkin 160700
Nacogdoches 175400
Alto 74000
Wells 153100
Nacogdoches County 162300
Appleby 167000
Angelina County 137300
Kennard-Ratcliff 24500
Burke 116100
Chireno-Martinsville 121500

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Boyd Neelon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Pollok 86600
Hudson 181000
Lufkin 94200
Nacogdoches 94100
Kennard 60600
Alto 73500
Wells 67500
Nacogdoches County 92900
Appleby 57800
Angelina County 85700
Kennard-Ratcliff 129200
Burke 23400
Chireno-Martinsville 75500

Number of blacks in places near by Boyd Neelon Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Redfield 64
Pollok 830
Redland 214
Hudson 872
Lufkin 11118
Nacogdoches 11544
Kennard 102
Alto 1042
Wells 347
Nacogdoches County 12079
Appleby 44
Angelina County 13496
Kennard-Ratcliff 354
Burke 1
Chireno-Martinsville 230