Statistics & Research about Buffalo,TX - Brighton-Pittsford Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Buffalo,TX an area served by Brighton-Pittsford Agency Inc

732 W Commerce St
Phone : (903) 322-3276

Real estate research for area nearby Brighton-Pittsford Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Normangee 133,600 536 4.8
Freestone County 81,800 703 10.3
Personville 105,800 818 9.3
Porter Springs 63,700 233 4.4
Fairfield 94,600 707 9.0
Thornton 138,200 585 5.1
Butler 87,800 638 8.7
Kirvin 83,300 900 13.0
Centerville 107,700 738 8.2
Leon County 89,400 591 7.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Brighton-Pittsford Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Normangee 792
Freestone County 2795
Personville 278
Porter Springs 240
Fairfield 1176
Thornton 553
Butler 264
Kirvin 6
Centerville 1083
Leon County 3131
Leona 39
Hilltop Lakes 137
Jewett 159
Oakwood 246
Teague 980

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Brighton-Pittsford Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Normangee 138200
Freestone County 91600
Personville 104300
Porter Springs 71000
Fairfield 98900
Thornton 109200
Butler 112500
Kirvin 95000
Centerville 87300
Leon County 83500
Leona 187500
Hilltop Lakes 142800
Jewett 42500
Oakwood 75000
Teague 74900

Number of blacks in places near by Brighton-Pittsford Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Normangee 165
Freestone County 3251
Porter Springs 537
Fairfield 1149
Thornton 8
Butler 690
Centerville 277
Leon County 1262
Leona 12
Jewett 92
Oakwood 433
Teague 939

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Brighton-Pittsford Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Normangee 139900
Freestone County 68500
Personville 114900
Porter Springs 62500
Fairfield 70300
Thornton 135800
Butler 14300
Centerville 187900
Leon County 98800
Hilltop Lakes 147800
Jewett 33200
Oakwood 84200
Teague 64400