Statistics & Research about Lakeway,TX - Executives Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Lakeway,TX an area served by Executives Insurance

2918 Rr 620 N 2918 Rr 620 N Lakeway

Real estate research for area nearby Executives Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hornsby Bend 120,300 1238 12.3
Garfield 81,400 1156 17.0
Austin 216,700 950 5.3
Horseshoe Bay 290,700 742 3.1
Round Mountain 100,000 335 4.0
Bertram 107,000 730 8.2
Georgetown 182,900 985 6.5
Brushy Creek 216,100 1429 7.9
Northwest Travis 347,400 1066 3.7

Number of whites in places near by Executives Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Hornsby Bend 3058
Garfield 1400
Austin 568082
Horseshoe Bay 3392
Round Mountain 294
Bertram 3833
Windemere 386
Georgetown 41328
Brushy Creek 18285
Northwest Travis 81189
San Leanna 533
Leander 22809
Mustang Ridge 735
Dripping Springs 1651
Lost Creek 3874

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Executives Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Hornsby Bend 1340
Garfield 345
Austin 107846
Horseshoe Bay 1960
Round Mountain 66
Bertram 842
Windemere 32
Georgetown 8838
Brushy Creek 3356
Northwest Travis 12161
San Leanna 130
Leander 4785
Mustang Ridge 281
Dripping Springs 330
Lost Creek 604

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Executives Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Hornsby Bend 138400
Austin 200300
Bertram 115900
Georgetown 166000
Brushy Creek 134000
Northwest Travis 242700
San Leanna 184400
Leander 96400
Mustang Ridge 162500
Dripping Springs 156800
Lost Creek 342300

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Executives Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hornsby Bend 11
Garfield 15
Austin 9419
Horseshoe Bay 149
Round Mountain 11
Bertram 4
Georgetown 433
Brushy Creek 581
Northwest Travis 3912
San Leanna 6
Leander 374
Mustang Ridge 19
Dripping Springs 19
Lost Creek 141