Statistics & Research about Hughes Springs,TX - Gwendolyn P Walsh

Here are some statistics & research about Hughes Springs,TX an area served by Gwendolyn P Walsh

Phone : 903-639-1990

Real estate research for area nearby Gwendolyn P Walsh

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pittsburg 103,500 614 7.1
Longview Northwest 163,600 777 5.7
Marion County 71,400 566 9.5
Hughes Springs 65,400 492 9.0
Naples 75,600 441 7
Ore City 84,800 712 10.1
Leesburg-Newsome 112,000 525 5.6
Upshur County 89,400 666 8.9
Jefferson 86,500 478 6.6
Cookville 98,200 641 7.8

Number of old houses in places near by Gwendolyn P Walsh

Place name Number of old houses
Pittsburg 66700
Longview Northwest 9999
Marion County 85000
Hughes Springs 67200
Naples 62000
Ore City 105900
Upshur County 89900
Jefferson 92700
Cookville 101300
Bettie 68900
Marietta 45000
Omaha 70000
Hughes Springs-Avinger 67500
Cass County 60100

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Gwendolyn P Walsh

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Pittsburg 101100
Longview Northwest 134000
Marion County 65400
Hughes Springs 58000
Naples 109700
Ore City 92000
Leesburg-Newsome 127800
Upshur County 88300
Jefferson 69200
Cookville 105100
Bettie 89100
Omaha 111000
Hughes Springs-Avinger 127300
Cass County 83400

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Gwendolyn P Walsh

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Pittsburg 68900
Longview Northwest 121800
Marion County 56200
Hughes Springs 66700
Naples 60000
Ore City 65500
Upshur County 83900
Jefferson 71300
Cookville 68500
Bettie 60000
Marietta 40000
Omaha 66800
Hughes Springs-Avinger 70400
Cass County 79800

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Gwendolyn P Walsh

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Pittsburg 149200
Longview Northwest 351100
Marion County 76600
Hughes Springs 56700
Naples 42300
Ore City 106900
Leesburg-Newsome 44000
Upshur County 99100
Jefferson 94000
Cookville 191700
Bettie 100900
Omaha 118800
Hughes Springs-Avinger 77700
Cass County 81600