Statistics & Research about Giddings,TX - Mill Creek Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Giddings,TX an area served by Mill Creek Agency Inc

172 W Austin St
Phone : (979) 542-3449

Real estate research for area nearby Mill Creek Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Somerville 71,700 594 9.9
Caldwell 90,500 673 8.9
Circle D-KC Estates 132,700 1057 9.6
Burton 119,800 685 6.9
Fayetteville 101,500 609 7.2
Fayette County 131,000 677 6.2
La Grange 113,300 844 8.9
Bastrop County 121,200 876 8.7
La Grange West 155,800 825 6.4
Lee County 113,400 668 7.1

Number of old houses in places near by Mill Creek Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Somerville 77100
Caldwell 79000
Burton 123100
Fayetteville 123700
Fayette County 141000
La Grange 161600
Bastrop County 119500
La Grange West 166100
Lee County 71000
Lincoln-Dime Box 51500
Elgin 153400
McDade 61700
Bastrop 233200
Carmine 75000

Number of vacant houses in places near by Mill Creek Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Somerville 815
Caldwell 964
Circle D-KC Estates 135
Burton 775
Fayetteville 482
Fayette County 3271
La Grange 563
Bastrop County 3645
La Grange West 574
Lee County 1469
Lincoln-Dime Box 393
Elgin 788
McDade 55
Bastrop 1067
Carmine 29

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Mill Creek Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Somerville 129
Caldwell 447
Circle D-KC Estates 77
Burton 226
Fayetteville 127
Fayette County 1185
La Grange 397
Bastrop County 4066
La Grange West 160
Lee County 800
Lincoln-Dime Box 195
Elgin 864
McDade 39
Bastrop 1083
Carmine 10

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Mill Creek Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Somerville 90
Caldwell 61
Circle D-KC Estates 61
Burton 19
Fayetteville 42
Fayette County 233
La Grange 101
Bastrop County 911
La Grange West 7
Lee County 105
Lincoln-Dime Box 31
Elgin 169
Bastrop 166