Statistics & Research about Robinson,TX - Muska Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Robinson,TX an area served by Muska Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 254-776-1986

Real estate research for area nearby Muska Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rosebud 54,400 625 13.8
McGregor 111,500 724 7.8
Northwest Bell 160,300 896 6.7
Mount Calm 56,000 569 12.2
Bruceville-Eddy 81,200 840 12.4
Reagan 72500 NA NA
Waco 102,600 753 8.8
Axtell 98,500 796 9.7
Gholson 78,500 824 12.6
Mart 74,500 693 11.2

Number of whites in places near by Muska Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of whites
Rosebud 2208
McGregor 7157
Northwest Bell 11023
Mount Calm 203
Bruceville-Eddy 1559
Reagan 848
Waco 131951
Axtell 3805
Gholson 930
Mart 4669
Hallsburg 346
Oglesby 1508
Moody 1174
Prairie Hill 700
Moody-Lorena 12372

Number of old houses in places near by Muska Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Rosebud 51400
McGregor 71700
Northwest Bell 110600
Mount Calm 47200
Bruceville-Eddy 57200
Reagan 18600
Waco 62100
Axtell 70000
Gholson 75700
Mart 62000
Hallsburg 112500
Oglesby 45900
Moody 81400
Prairie Hill 110400
Moody-Lorena 85900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Muska Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Rosebud 4
McGregor 224
Northwest Bell 53
Mount Calm 4
Bruceville-Eddy 12
Waco 945
Axtell 39
Gholson 3
Mart 58
Hallsburg 6
Oglesby 1
Moody 18
Prairie Hill 27
Moody-Lorena 216

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Muska Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Rosebud 93400
McGregor 205100
Northwest Bell 141700
Mount Calm 108300
Bruceville-Eddy 95000
Reagan 73800
Waco 156600
Axtell 90500
Gholson 73100
Mart 42400
Hallsburg 134400
Oglesby 78600
Moody 32700
Prairie Hill 625000
Moody-Lorena 125000