Statistics & Research about Texarkana,TX - Offenhauser & Company

Here are some statistics & research about Texarkana,TX an area served by Offenhauser & Company

Phone : (903) 793-5511

Real estate research for area nearby Offenhauser & Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Nash 78,700 794 12.1
Bois dArc 45,000 560 14.9
Hooks 64,900 576 10.7
Burke 57400 NA NA
Maud-Redwater 84,700 760 10.8
Redwater 94,100 736 9.4
Dalby Springs-Simms 61,300 628 12.3
New Boston 83,100 648 9.4

Number of whites in places near by Offenhauser & Company

Place name Number of whites
Nash 2067
Bois dArc 224
Hooks 4271
Burke 396
Maud-Redwater 8935
Cut Off 74
Redwater 986
Dalby Springs-Simms 2589
Arkinda 21
New Boston 7346
Mineral Springs 507
Wake Village 4186
Texarkana 19195
Bloomburg 368
Cleveland 2954

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Offenhauser & Company

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Nash 108100
Bois dArc 270000
Hooks 105000
Maud-Redwater 83800
Redwater 153600
Dalby Springs-Simms 131600
New Boston 89100
Mineral Springs 98000
Wake Village 168500
Texarkana 202000
Bloomburg 67200
Cleveland 136000

Number of new houses in places near by Offenhauser & Company

Place name Number of new houses
Texarkana 231700

Number of blacks in places near by Offenhauser & Company

Place name Number of blacks
Nash 688
Bois dArc 347
Hooks 773
Maud-Redwater 681
Redwater 83
Dalby Springs-Simms 67
New Boston 1494
Mineral Springs 628
Wake Village 1152
Texarkana 9898
Bloomburg 113