Statistics & Research about Big Sandy,TX - Pedersen Insurance & Financial Services

Here are some statistics & research about Big Sandy,TX an area served by Pedersen Insurance & Financial Services

Phone : 903-636-4334

Real estate research for area nearby Pedersen Insurance & Financial Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mineola 105,300 684 7.8
Winona 86,300 729 10.1
Kilgore 79,400 705 10.7
Overton 54,400 683 15.1
Pittsburg 103,500 614 7.1
New Chapel Hill 91,300 886 11.6
Longview Northwest 163,600 777 5.7
White Oak 130,800 726 6.7
Gladewater 102,300 697 8.2
Upshur County 89,400 666 8.9

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Pedersen Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Mineola 110300
Winona 65600
Kilgore 110500
Overton 62700
Pittsburg 101100
New Chapel Hill 95000
Longview Northwest 134000
White Oak 133900
Gladewater 114100
Upshur County 88300
Smith County 128900
Hideaway 159200
Leesburg-Newsome 127800
Big Sandy 65200
Union Grove 84400

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Pedersen Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Mineola 91900
Winona 87000
Kilgore 93000
Overton 98800
Pittsburg 68900
New Chapel Hill 92800
Longview Northwest 121800
White Oak 115600
Gladewater 95300
Upshur County 83900
Smith County 96900
Hideaway 166100
Big Sandy 77400
Union Grove 120000

Number of blacks in places near by Pedersen Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of blacks
Mineola 717
Winona 761
Kilgore 1759
Overton 636
Pittsburg 2014
Longview Northwest 330
White Oak 251
Gladewater 751
Upshur County 3345
Smith County 38047
Leesburg-Newsome 255
Big Sandy 430
Union Grove 2

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Pedersen Insurance & Financial Services

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Mineola 149200
Winona 158500
Kilgore 120600
Overton 39400
Pittsburg 151300
New Chapel Hill 218800
Longview Northwest 228900
White Oak 232300
Gladewater 153900
Upshur County 123300
Smith County 168300
Hideaway 240200
Leesburg-Newsome 122500
Big Sandy 61800
Union Grove 218200