Statistics & Research about Luling,TX - Powers Leavitt Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Luling,TX an area served by Powers Leavitt Insurance

Phone : 830-875-3164

Real estate research for area nearby Powers Leavitt Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Buda 187,000 1247 8.0
Kingsbury 150900 NA NA
Redwood 49,800 741 17.9
Southeast Guadalupe 112,600 865 9.2
Cost-Wrightsboro 95,400 625 7.9
Gonzales 80,200 538 8.0
Staples 105,500 904 10.3
Seguin 123,800 761 7.4
Kyle-Buda 158,900 1081 8.2
Niederwald 85,200 936 13.2

Number of whites in places near by Powers Leavitt Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Buda 6771
Kingsbury 627
Redwood 1940
Southeast Guadalupe 3257
Cost-Wrightsboro 1318
Gonzales 5965
Staples 556
Seguin 35018
Kyle-Buda 49366
Niederwald 394
Northeast Guadalupe 7321
Mustang Ridge 735
Bastrop County 61425
Martindale 4568
Caldwell County 26476

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Powers Leavitt Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Buda 156400
Redwood 9999
Southeast Guadalupe 84700
Cost-Wrightsboro 113200
Gonzales 55000
Staples 106300
Seguin 142100
Kyle-Buda 168900
Niederwald 68100
Northeast Guadalupe 71700
Mustang Ridge 101700
Bastrop County 112400
Martindale 141700
Caldwell County 104500

Number of new houses in places near by Powers Leavitt Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
Buda 193500
Seguin 144100
Kyle-Buda 188000
Bastrop County 205000
Caldwell County 138200

Number of blacks in places near by Powers Leavitt Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Buda 205
Redwood 192
Southeast Guadalupe 189
Cost-Wrightsboro 8
Gonzales 727
Staples 63
Seguin 2528
Kyle-Buda 2457
Niederwald 9
Northeast Guadalupe 461
Bastrop County 5998
Martindale 508
Caldwell County 2776