Statistics & Research about Trinity,TX - Rollo Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Trinity,TX an area served by Rollo Insurance Group Inc

117 N ROBB
Phone : 936-636-9393

Real estate research for area nearby Rollo Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
West Livingston 73,000 690 11.3
Lovelady 62,300 781 15.0
Crockett 70,400 576 9.8
Cedar Point 75100 NA NA
Trinity County 80,200 599 9.0
Cape Royale 192000 NA NA
Midway 74,100 543 8.8
Porter Springs 63,700 233 4.4
Seven Oaks 34,900 425 14.6
San Jacinto County 84,800 683 9.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Rollo Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
West Livingston 468
Lovelady 312
Crockett 1553
Cedar Point 189
Trinity County 2764
Cape Royale 72
Midway 225
Porter Springs 240
Seven Oaks 23
San Jacinto County 3698
Point Blank 1080
Apple Springs 354
Houston County 3199
Onalaska 335
Trinity 1328

Number of whites in places near by Rollo Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of whites
West Livingston 6381
Lovelady 3013
Crockett 5905
Cedar Point 1016
Trinity County 12781
Cape Royale 393
Midway 2722
Porter Springs 980
Seven Oaks 55
San Jacinto County 22734
Point Blank 4429
Apple Springs 2847
Houston County 15662
Onalaska 1442
Trinity 4694

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Rollo Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
West Livingston 324
Lovelady 56
Crockett 585
Trinity County 844
Cape Royale 110
Midway 58
Porter Springs 44
Seven Oaks 7
San Jacinto County 1706
Point Blank 327
Apple Springs 176
Houston County 1125
Onalaska 47
Trinity 290

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Rollo Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
West Livingston 84700
Lovelady 58100
Crockett 121400
Cedar Point 97700
Trinity County 123400
Cape Royale 215600
Midway 99000
Porter Springs 265600
San Jacinto County 80300
Point Blank 81200
Apple Springs 135000
Houston County 123600
Onalaska 154200
Trinity 105600