Statistics & Research about Tyler,TX - Threlkeld & Co Ins Agcy

Here are some statistics & research about Tyler,TX an area served by Threlkeld & Co Ins Agcy

Phone : 903-581-0077

Real estate research for area nearby Threlkeld & Co Ins Agcy

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brownsboro 72,600 745 12.3
White Oak 130,800 726 6.7
Wood County 103,800 700 8.1
New Chapel Hill 91,300 886 11.6
Tyler 98,900 759 9.2
Whitehouse 150,300 881 7.0
Troup-Arp 95,000 719 9.1
Grand Saline 88,900 636 8.6
Chandler-Brownsboro 112,700 716 7.6
Shadybrook 59,300 810 16.4

Number of whites in places near by Threlkeld & Co Ins Agcy

Place name Number of whites
Brownsboro 751
White Oak 5837
Wood County 38267
New Chapel Hill 499
Tyler 66002
Whitehouse 22298
Troup-Arp 8078
Grand Saline 7587
Chandler-Brownsboro 10538
Shadybrook 2034
Edom 363
Smith County 159100
Mount Selman 5139
New Summerfield 3723
Berryville 779

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Threlkeld & Co Ins Agcy

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
White Oak 58
Wood County 1300
New Chapel Hill 6
Tyler 5814
Whitehouse 563
Troup-Arp 176
Grand Saline 265
Chandler-Brownsboro 240
Shadybrook 55
Edom 36
Smith County 8503
Mount Selman 140
New Summerfield 129
Berryville 48

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Threlkeld & Co Ins Agcy

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Brownsboro 86300
White Oak 133900
Wood County 110000
New Chapel Hill 95000
Tyler 127200
Whitehouse 138200
Troup-Arp 106800
Grand Saline 89400
Chandler-Brownsboro 107400
Shadybrook 27500
Edom 65000
Smith County 128900
Mount Selman 69400
New Summerfield 79200
Berryville 103100

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Threlkeld & Co Ins Agcy

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Brownsboro 67000
White Oak 88900
Wood County 113900
New Chapel Hill 90000
Tyler 106300
Whitehouse 160800
Troup-Arp 68900
Grand Saline 97800
Chandler-Brownsboro 122900
Shadybrook 66100
Edom 85400
Smith County 143700
Mount Selman 72300
New Summerfield 57600
Berryville 97100