Statistics & Research about Gatesville,TX - Twfg Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Gatesville,TX an area served by Twfg Insurance Services Inc

1107 E MAIN ST
Phone : 254-865-8411

Real estate research for area nearby Twfg Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bruceville-Eddy 81,200 840 12.4
Oglesby 87,700 479 6.6
Fort Hood 48,200 1104 27.5
Valley Mills 79,200 621 9.4
Crawford 182,300 865 5.7
Kempner 77,900 675 10.4
Morgans Point Resort 132,800 1182 10.7
Flat 58,600 638 13.1
Belton 125,700 762 7.3
Bell County 119,800 862 8.6

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Bruceville-Eddy 76400
Oglesby 135200
Valley Mills 95000
Crawford 246600
Kempner 46300
Morgans Point Resort 136300
Flat 39100
Belton 159200
Bell County 158400
Lorena 185400
Killeen 156600
Purmela-Levita 143800
China Spring 213600
Woodway 279200

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Bruceville-Eddy 395
Oglesby 442
Fort Hood 2505
Valley Mills 619
Crawford 1058
Kempner 240
Morgans Point Resort 1260
Flat 172
Belton 3713
Bell County 58231
Lorena 403
Killeen 29532
Purmela-Levita 381
China Spring 1063
Woodway 1504

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Bruceville-Eddy 78300
Oglesby 263000
Valley Mills 112500
Crawford 161100
Kempner 87000
Belton 107400
Bell County 92100
Lorena 133300
Killeen 83200
China Spring 106800
Woodway 127500

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Twfg Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Bruceville-Eddy 76
Oglesby 87
Fort Hood 2528
Valley Mills 129
Crawford 522
Kempner 83
Morgans Point Resort 225
Flat 21
Belton 1201
Bell County 23065
Lorena 82
Killeen 13790
Purmela-Levita 132
China Spring 333
Woodway 1386